The ch_drawWeaponSelect replacement
In CPMA 1.52, ch_drawWeaponSelect
was removed and 2 new SuperHUD elements were added:
SuperHUD element | Purpose |
WeaponSelection | Displays the weapon selection wheel |
WeaponSelectionName | Displays the name of the selected weapon |
The benefit is the ability to leverage SuperHUD to be able to split the name and the weapon list apart, customize the location, alignment, direction, size, font, font size, text shadow, color, fade delay, fade duration, etc.
The downside is that you have to do a tiny bit of work and define the elements in your SuperHUD config file. We provide some snippets to get you started.
Original CPMA 1.51 look
WeaponSelectionName{rect 320 358 0 0textalign Ctextstyle 1font idfontsize 16 16color 1 1 1 1fadedelay 1400time 200fade}WeaponSelection{rect 316 376 32 32alignh Ccolor 1 1 1 1fadedelay 1400time 200fade}

CPMA 1.51 original (4:3 aspect, broken offset)
This should be a pixel-exact replica of the original, including the fact that the weapon wheel is slightly offset to the left by 4 virtual pixels. If you want to correct this, use rect 320 376 32 32
in WeaponSelection.
CPMA 1.51 look for 16:9 displays & corrected offset
WeaponSelectionName{rect 320 358 0 0textalign Ctextstyle 1font idfontsize 12 16color 1 1 1 1fadedelay 1400time 200fade}WeaponSelection{rect 320 376 24 32alignh Ccolor 1 1 1 1fadedelay 1400time 200fade}

CPMA 1.51 fixed (16:9 aspect, fixed offset)
Now it's starting to look like something!
CPMA 1.52 default HUD
WeaponSelectionName{rect 320 458 0 0textalign Ctextstyle 0font cpmafontsize 5 7color 1 1 1 0.5fadedelay 1400time 200fade}WeaponSelection{rect 320 390 14 18alignh Ccolor 1 1 1 1fadedelay 1400time 200fade}

CPMA 1.52 default (16:9 aspect)
Note that while the new default SuperHUD defines both elements, they are disabled (commented out with #