Challenge ProMode Arena

Updating a CPMA dedicated server


Updating a CPMA dedicated server

Steps to update CPMA on a dedicated server:

  • Extract the mod archive to a fresh new folder.
  • Copy over your custom stuff. It may include:
    • Map scripts (cpma/cfg-maps).
    • Game modes (cpma/modes).
    • NTF classes (cpma/classes).
    • Config files.
    • Whatever else you have customized or added.
  • When done:
    • The mod directory is named "cpma".
    • The mod directory contains exactly 1 .pk3: z-cpma-pak<current_version>.pk3.

General guidelines for dedicated servers:

  • There can only be 1 .pk3 file: z-cpma-pak<current_version>.pk3.
  • If you modify some existing files (e.g. game mode scripts), copy and rename them to avoid overwrites.

Updating to CPMA 1.50:

  • We have a new game mode override option (server_useMapModes) that is enabled by default.
    Please check out cfg-maps/mapmodes.txt for a full explanation.
  • We ship modes/PUBCTFS.cfg, so you might want to delete/rename CTFSPUB.cfg if you have it.